Information about HPV

Information about HPV

A pair of hands - one is scratching the back of the others arms.

HPV is the name of some viruses that people can get on their skin.

A virus is like an illness.

A young woman reading an Easy Read booklet

This Easy Read tells you more about HPV and some health problems that HPV can cause.

A drawing of the HPV virus next to the silhouette of a person

This Easy Read tells you...

  • About HPV


A drawing of a woman with her hand to her temple thinking
  • How people can get HPV
Drawings of a lump on a hand, a bottom, an arrow pointing to a persons private parts, an arrow pointing to someone's throat
  • Health problems that HPV can sometimes cause:

    - Small lumps on your hands, knees or feet.

    - Genital warts (lumps on  your bottom, vagina or penis).

    - Throat and mouth cancer.

    - Anal cancer (cancer of the bottom).

    - Cervical cancer (cancer near the vagina).

    - Cancer in the vagina or near it (vaginal and vulval cancer).

    - Penile cancer (cancer of the penis).

A drawing of a worried man
  • What to do if you are worried that you might have HPV or cancer.

    Or if you need more information about HPV or safe sex.

A drawing of a woman with her arms crossed over her chest
  • Things you can do to keep health and safe.
Two hands. One hand is pinching the top of the other hand

About HPV

HPV is short for human papillomavirus.

It is the name of some viruses that people can get in their skin in different parts of the body.

A virus is like an illness.

A drawing of a doctor listening to a woman's chest by putting a stethoscope on her back

There are many types of HPV.

Some types can cause health problems over time.

This includes some types of cancer.

But that does not happen often.

A drawing of two men and two women standing in a line

Try not to worry if you have HPV.

Many people get HPV.

There are usually no problems and it goes away by itself.

But it is good to know what can happen sometimes just in case.

A couple kissing in bed together

How can people get HPV?

People can get some types of HPV by having sex or doing sexual things with other people.

A drawing of a woman with her mouth open and an arrow pointing to it

For example:

  • Touching someone's bottom, vagina or penis with their mouth, hands or skin.
  • Sharing sex toys.
A drawing of a woman with an arrow pointing to her neck next to another drawing of the outline of a person with an arrow pointing to their lower private parts

Someone can get HPV in their mouth or throat.

Or they can get it in parts of their body down below, like their bottom, vagina or penis.

A drawing of a couple kissing

You cannot get HPV from:

  • Kissing or hugging.
  • Sharing baths or towels.
  • Sharing cups or plates.

Health problems that HPV can sometimes cause

A drawing of a lumpy hand

Small lumps on your hands, knees or feet

Some types of HPV can cause small lumps on your hands, knees or feet.

They lumps are called warts.

They are not usually serious.

A drawing of a bottom and a drawing of the outline of a person with an arrow pointing to their lower private parts

Genital warts

Genital warts are small lumps on your skin.

They are on or near your bottom, vagina or penis.

A drawing of a hand itching an arm making it sore

The lumps can be on their own or there might be groups of them.

They are usually not painful but they might be itchy or sore. They might bleed a bit.

A drawing of a woman with an arrow pointing at her neck

Throat and mouth cancer

This is cancer that people can get in their throat, behind their mouth, or the bottom of their tongue.

A drawing of someone swallowing something and a drawing of a young woman talking

Some signs of throat and mouth cancer are:

  • A lump in your throat or feeling like something is stuck in your throat.
  • Darker or lighter areas of skin on your tongue or throat.
  • Problems when you swallow food or drink.
  • Something sore in your mouth that won't go away.
  • A change in  your voice.
  • Lumps in your mouth or next.
A drawing of a bottom with an arrow pointing to the back of it

Anal cancer (cancer of the bottom)

This cancer happens in your bottom in the hole where you poo from.

This area is called your anus.

A drawing of drops of blood and a drawing of a man on the toilet

Some signs of anal cancer are:

  • Something coming out of your bottom like blood or mucus. Mucus is a sticky goo like snot.
  • Your bottom hole feels itchy or there is pain.
  • Lumps around your bottom hole or near it.
  • Changes in the way that you do  your poo.
A picture of a pink donut shape with an arrow pointing from it towards the lower private parts of a woman

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer happens in a part of the body called the cervix.

It is inside your body near your vagina if you have one. It looks a bit like a donut.

A drawing of the outline of a person with an arrow pointing to their lower private parts and drops of blood. Another drawing shows a couple kissing in bed together. Another drawing shows some blood with a pair of pants

Some signs of cervical cancer are:

  • Bleeding from the vagina between periods if you have periods.
  • Bleeding from the vagina after sex.
  • Pain during sex.
  • Changes to the stuff that comes out of your vagina. This is called discharge.
    For example there might be blood or it might smell bad.
A drawing of an outline of a person with an arrow pointing to their lower private parts

Cancer in the vagina or near it

Vaginal cancer

This is a cancer that can happen inside your body in the vagina if you have one.


A drawing of drops of blood, a woman on the toilet and a hand itching some skin

Some signs of vaginal cancer are the same as cervical cancer.

For example, bleeding form the vagina when you do not expect to.

There might also be:

  • Pain when you go for a wee.
  • A lump in the vagina.
  • An itch in the vagina that won't go away.
  • Pain in the vagina or near the vagina.
A diagram of the vulva between someone's legs

Vulval cancer

This cancer can happen on a part of the body called the vulva if you have one.

The vulva is on the outside of your body.

It is between your legs near your vagina.

Drawings of a hand itching skin, an arrow pointing to a sore spot on skin and a mole

Some signs of vulva cancer are:

  • A lump on the vulva.
  • An itch that won't go away on the vulva.
  • Pain or something sore on the vulva.
  • A change in the skin on the vulva like red, lighter or darker areas.
  • A mole on the vulva that changes shape or colour.
    A mole is a dark spot.
A drawing of a man wearing briefs with an arrow pointing to the front of them

Penile cancer (cancer of the penis)

This cancer happens in the penis.

A drawing of a penis with a spot on it and a drawing of a sore patch of skin

Some signs of this cancer are:

  • A lump on the penis.
  • A sore or rash on the penis. This is something that is painful and sore. Sometimes it might bleed
A woman wearing a doctors coat with a stethoscope around her neck

If you are worried that you might have HPV or cancer

Or if you need more information about HPV or safe sex.

Speak to your doctor. They can give you information and advice.

A doctor listening to a mans chest by using a stethoscope on his back

If you are worried that you might have HPV or cancer

The doctor might look at the part of your body where the problem is.

Or they might ask you to have some tests at the hospital to find out more.

There is often nothing to worry about but it is best to check.

A drawing of a mobile phone and a computer

You can get some free, general information from the charity The Eve Appeal by contacting their Ask Eve service:

A drawing of a woman with her arms crossed over her chest

Things you can do to keep healthy and safe

You cannot always stop HPV but there are some things you can do to help stop HPV and keep safe.

For example:

A drawing of two packets of condoms
  • Use condoms or dental dams when you have sex.

They can help but they do not cover all the skin in that area.

  • Do not share sex toys.

If you want to share them, wash them first and put a condom on them.

A drawing of an outstretched arm and a syringe
  • Have an HPV vaccine .

This vaccine can help stop some types of HPV. Like some types of HPV that can cause cancer.

A woman wearing a doctors coat with a stethoscope around her neck

Some people can get the vaccine for free.

Ask your doctor if you are not sure.

A drawing of a nurse. A drawing of the outline of someone with an arrow pointing to their lower private parts. A drawing of a letter

The cervix is inside the body near the vagina.

A smear test checks that part of your body to make sure it is healthy.

It can help to stop cervical cancer.

People aged 25 - 64 can get this test.

You should get a letter from your doctor if you can get this test.

A drawing of a man with his finger on his temple thinking
  • Get to know your body.

Check your private parts to see how they look and feel.

This will help you know if anything changes.

A drawing of a no smoking sign
  • It can also help to stop smoking.