How to apply for PIP - Easy Read

How to apply for Personal Independence Payment

A leaflet saying Personal Independence Payment next to the Houses of Parliament and a hand holding cash

What is Personal Independence Payment (PIP)?

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is the name of a benefit that some people with a disability or health condition get.

The money is to pay for extra help to look after yourself and to get around.

This Easy Read tells you how to apply for PIP.

A man sat in a chair, reading from a sheet of paper.

Step 1: Check that you can get PIP

To see if you could get PIP read our What is PIP? Easy Read page.

A person going through a checklist on a piece of paper.

Step 2: Make sure you have everything you will need

Before you contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), you will need to have a few things ready to tell them.

A man holding up a sign saying 'Name', a front door and an addressed envelope with a post code, and a telephone showing a telephone number

Things you will need to tell the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP):

  • Your name, address and telephone number
A calendar showing June 1972 with Friday 10th circled in red next to a picture of a baby
  • Your date of birth
A woman in a red beanie hat is writing something down at a desk

To ask for longer than 28 days you must write to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

A card with the words National Insurance Numbercard written on it with a reference number circled in red and a persons name
  • Your National Insurance number if you have one

    You can find your National Insurance number on any letters you have had about your tax, pensions or benefits.
A bank debit card with a long number, and the date off issue and expiry
  • Your bank or building society account number and sort code
A doctor next to the entrance of a surgery with an addressed envelope and a phone
  • Your doctor or health worker's name, address and telephone number
A calendar page with a clock and a question mark next to a picture of a hospital and a care home
  • any dates when you were in a care home or hospital, and their addresses
A map of the world next to a calendar showing 4 weeks and a question mark next to the date
  • any dates when you were not in the UK for more than 4 weeks at a time, and the name of the countries you visited.
A woman leaning her chin on her hand thinking

What to do if you want help to speak to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)

If you are not sure about talking to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) yourself, you can:

A young woman has a supporter joining in her call with a helpline
  • Ask the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to add someone you trust to the same phone call
A male supporter is talking to a helpline adviser on behalf of a woman who is sat next to him
  • Ask someone you trust to make the call for you.

    - If you want to do this you will need to sit next to them when they make the call.
A woman holds a red telephone against her ear

Step 3: Contact the PIP team

To ask for PIP you need to contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 

It is quicker to speak to them by phone.

Phone: 0800 917 2222

A phone which shows a text message on a display above the keys

Other ways to contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP):

  • By Textphone to: 0800 917 7777
two hands using a keyboard
  • By Relay UK to: 08009 172 222 (open 8am - 5pm)

          - Relay UK is a tool for people who cannot hear or speak on the phone.

A woman sat a desk writing a letter.
  • By letter to:

         Personal Independence Payment New Claims,

         Post Handling Site B.


         WV99 1AH.

A picture of an application form with entry fields for name, address, education and work.

What happens after you have contacted the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)?

After you have asked for PIP you will be sent a form.

The form is called a PIP2.

A woman in a wheelchair. An easy read report. A stop watch indicating shorter work hours. A ramp.

The form will ask you for more information about your disability or health conditions.

A woman with a clip board and a man with a guide dog talking to her about his needs

It will also ask you about the help and equipment you need.

A woman thinking of what to write to ask for help to stop falling over and get a walking frame

Put as much information as you can on the form.

For example, if you need help to cook food, tell them what help you need and why.

Also tell them what would happen if you do not get any help. 

A man in a suit holding a pen and writing a letter on a desk in front of him

You might want to keep a diary to help you to fill out the form.


A PIP2 form in an envelope with an arrow to a post box. Beside the form is a calendar month with 28 days marked out in red

You have 28 days from the date you called the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to send the form back to them.

A man is waiting on a chair looking bored. Behind him is a month from a calendar and an arm with a wristwatch

You can ask for longer than 28 days to return your form if you have a good reason. 

Reasons include:

  • you are waiting for an advice appointment.
A man sits at his computer, scratching his head.
  • you can not complete the form on your own.
A woman looks uncomfortable and is holding her head and her stomach
  • you are sick and not able to complete the form.
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Thank you to British Gas Energy Trust for funding.