How to apply for Carer's Allowance

How to apply for Carer's Allowance

The front cover of a leaflet about Carer's Allowance

What is Carer’s Allowance?

Carer’s Allowance is the name of a benefit that some people who care for someone can get.

A woman pushing someone in a wheelchair has a wage packet next to her with a red cross through it

Carer’s Allowance is for people who do not get paid to care for the person.

The front page of an Easy Read leaflet

This Easy Read tells you how to apply for Carer’s Allowance.

A man searching for a webpage on a laptop sitting at a desk

Step 1: Check that you can get Carer’s Allowance

To see if you could get Carer’s Allowance, read our What is Carer’s Allowance? Easy Read page.

A person going through a checklist on a piece of paper.

Step 2: Make sure you have everything you will need

Before you apply for Carer’s Allowance, you will need to know: 

A man holding up a sign saying 'Name', a front door and an addressed envelope with a post code, and a telephone showing a telephone number
  • your name, address and telephone number
A calendar showing June 1972 with Friday 10th circled in red next to a picture of a baby
  • your date of birth
A card with the words National Insurance Numbercard written on it with a reference number circled in red and a persons name
  • your National Insurance number if you have one.
A brown envelope with a tax letter coming out of it next to an arrow from a National Insurance card number

You can find your National Insurance number on any letters you have had about your tax, pensions or benefits.

A bank debit card with a long number, and the date off issue and expiry
  • your bank or building society account number and sort code

    You can find your sort code and account number on:
    your monthly bank statements
    your online banking app
    - the front, or back of, most bank cards.

A brown envelope with a Pay slip coming out of it
  • your work details, and have your last payslip if you are working
A P45 form
  • or, your P45 if you have stopped working

A P45 is a form you get from your employer when you stop working for them.

A young woman with a back pack and carrying books is standing in a classroom
  • the details of your course if you are a student
An old man standing next to a letter with the title Pension. In the letter is a picture of a handful of money and a question mark.
  • how much money you pay for your pension


A childminder stands in front of a play mat where two children are playing
  • for care for your children


A man is giving a man in a wheelchair a cup of tea
  • the person you care for when you are at work
A carer has her arm around a woman in a wheelchair who is holding up a sign which says Name. Next to her is a front door with a street sign and a telephone

You will also need to know:

  • the name and address of the person you care for
A carer has her arm around a woman in a wheelchair who is holding up a sign which shows the picture of a new born baby and a calendar
  • their date of birth
A carer has her arm around a woman in a wheelchair who is holding up a sign which shows a national insurance card number
  • their National Insurance number if they are 16 or over
A carer has her arm around a woman in a wheelchair who is holding up a sign which shows the front cover of a disability living allowance leaflet
  • their Disability Living Allowance reference if they are under 16.
a webpage saying Click, a post box and an application form

Step 3: Apply for Carer’s Allowance

You can apply for Carer’s Allowance online, or by post.

A man searching for a webpage on a laptop sitting at a desk

If you want to apply by post, you can:

find the Carer’s Allowance form on the government’s website ,


A woman on the phone calling her doctor who is in a blue circle behind her

contact the Carer’s Allowance Unit to ask for a form by:

Phone: 0800 731 0297

A phone which shows a text message on a display above the keys

Textphone:  0800 731 0317

two hands using a keyboard

Relay UK:  18001 then 0800 731 0297
Relay UK helps people who can not hear or speak on the phone. 

An open sign

The unit is open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 6.00pm.

A picture of a inkjet printer printing out a document

If you download the form from the government’s website, you can:

  • print the form out and fill it in with a black pen
A man pressing a key on a laptop.
  • fill in the form on your laptop or desktop computer and then print it out.
An application form next to a mobile phone and a tablet that have a red cross over them.

You cannot fill in the form on a mobile phone or tablet.

Help with bills and money

It is OK to ask someone who knows you well to help you fill in the form.

A man smiling and holding up a camera.

When you have filled in the form it is a good idea to take photos of it, or make a copy, so you can remember what you put in the form.

A red postbox

When you have filled in the form, send it off in the envelope that came with the form.

If you cannot find the envelope that came with the form, or if you downloaded the form from the government website, send it in an envelope to:

The Carer's Allowance Unit
Mail Handling Site A
WV98 2AB

A man on a phone and another man using a laptop

If you need support or more information about Carer's Allowance contact the Learning Disability Helpline.