About reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are small changes that can help people with a learning disability be treated equally.
The law Laws are the rules that everyone in the country has to follow. If you don't follow the rules you can get in trouble with the police. says that reasonable adjustments should be put in place.
It is your right to ask for reasonable adjustments when you have an appointment for your health.
Reasonable adjustments could be the way that the staff treat you, or things that you need when you are at your appointment.
Every person is different and will need different changes but there are some which are more common.
Examples of reasonable adjustments that you could ask for:
Staff who speak clearly and use easy words
A longer appointment
A hospital passport which tells people all about you
A quiet place to wait, or a private room
Easy read Easy Read is a way of making written information easier to understand. Pictures are usually added next to the writing. information
An appointment at a time which is better for you
Having your appointment on time
Support workers or family members with you
Help from a learning disability nurse
Better physical access and help to get around
Staff may have already put reasonable adjustments in place for you, but it is important that you tell them if you need anything else.
It is your right to ask for reasonable adjustments.
If you want to know about how to get more understandable information from health and social services, read the Accessible Information Standard easy read.
If you are having a vaccination, we have made an easy read about the vaccine reasonable adjustments you could ask for.