Mother's Day is a very special day which is about honouring our mothers or a very special individual who has helped to guide and raise us in our lives. It is a day where we can thank them for all the fabulous things they have done to support us in our lives.
Over the years, my mum has not only been my parent, she has also been my supporter, my cheerleader and someone who picks me up again when I feel like failing. She is always there to mop up my tears and to give me the best advice when I need it like when I don’t know what to do about a hard inaccessible letter I get in the post, or if don’t like a situation I am in.
My mum also celebrates my good times with me like when I got married she was the best ‘Mother of the Bride’ as well as being my mum.
On my wedding day, my mum was like my magic assistant helping me into my dress and then she had to help me to get into the car which was a fun challenge, but we giggled and then we danced together at our reception.
During the Covid pandemic I really missed not being able to see her until we were aloud to have socially distanced walks. The hardest thing was not being able to hug each other and it felt strange and sad. On the day that we were aloud to hug someone outside our covid bubble for the first time again, I chose my mum as my first person to hug and I didn’t want to let her go!
The best times I have with my mum, is either making things with her at home like cakes and buns or going to theatre shows with her. She always said to me that my
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
shouldn’t stop me in achieving my goals and that anything is possible!
I want to wish my mum a very Happy Mother's Day and also Happy Mother's Day to all the other amazing mums out there too!