I first started with Mencap in October 2010 on the school’s transition Transition means changing from one thing to another. Transition sometimes means things like when you change from having children's social care to adult social care. programme when I was still at Belmont House School.
I then began the Transition course at North West Regional College in September 2011 and Mencap helped me find two work placements. I first started working at ‘We love to party’, organising birthday parties and other special events. After that I worked at Smyth’s Toystore as a retail assistant.
In September 2013, I moved to the Employability programme and so far have done three work placements. First, I worked as a Kitchen Assistant at the Icon Restaurant but left there when I realised that I prefer a customer A customer is a person who buys something or uses a service. service role. After that job I moved on to City Centre Initiative working alongside the City Ranger in the run up to Christmas time. Now, I’m currently in a customer service role at the Guildhall in Derry (Derry & Strabane District Council). I hope to continue in this role and gain enough experience Experience is when you have learned or tried something before. to help me seek paid employment Employment means having a job. in a similar role.
"I really enjoy all these activities"
Over the years, I have assisted Mencap with a number of PR events including conducting video interviews with other Transition students, talking on Radio Foyle and helping with a local Marathon promotion. I have also assisted Mencap on interview An interview is a meeting where you talk to someone or a group of people about something. When you have an interview for a job, you have to answer questions and say why you would be good at the job. The person who gives the best answers is offered the job. panels for new employees and taken part in focus groups Where a group of people meet to talk about a topic, and a researcher asks them some questions. and consultations.
I really enjoy all these activities as I like talking to people and using some of the communication skills I have learned over the years with Mencap.
Outside of Mencap, I attend Destined which is a local Learning disability group I really enjoy attending social events, outings and going to Destined’s weekly drop-in sessions to catch up with my friends.
I also enjoy volunteering at a local youth club near my home and spending time with my family.