Harvey Price, the incredible Myth Buster with a passion for trains and art, has achieved something incredible! He's broken a Guinness World Record with an amazingly long train drawing.

Harvey has autism, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Septo-Optic Dysplasia, and a learning disability. He’s proved that he's unstoppable, breaking a record and showing the world that people with a learning disability can achieve anything.

The record was part of the Guinness World Records impairments initiative, developed alongside Mencap, which allows reasonable adjustments to be made for record attempts in order to better include people with a learning disability.

Harvey, who lives at National Star College near Cheltenham, kicked off his mega project during Learning Disability Week on June 19. To break the record he drew an enormous train that stretched a whopping 20 meters long and stood 1 meter high. That's longer than a double-decker bus!

When he finished his masterpiece, Harvey was presented with the Guinness World Records certificate and a celebration at his college, with all his teachers and friends cheering him on.

Harvey Price and the other amazing Myth Busters are here to show anyone can achieve their dreams and defy expectations.

Mencap are looking forward to continuing our work with Guinness World Records to encourage more people with a learning disability to take on a world class challenge. We can't wait to see what weird and wonderful record could be set next!

Harvey’s mum, Katie Price said: "I'm absolutely thrilled for Harvey; I can't believe he's got his own Guinness World Record! It's fantastic! He's worked so hard on completing his drawing and I think he's done amazingly well. We officially have a Guinness World Record holder in the family and everyone is so happy for him."

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