Register for the Treat Me Well pledge pack

The Mencap Treat Me Well pledge

I pledge to tackle the health and social inequalities faced by people with a learning disability living in my area. 

I think it is wrong that: 

  • People with a learning disability die earlier than the general population – women die 26 years earlier, and men 22 years earlier.  
  • 1,200 people with a learning disability are estimated to die avoidably every year, when timely access to good quality health care could make all the difference. 
  • Around 2,000 people with a learning disability or autism are locked up in in-patient hospitals when most could be living in the community with the right support. 
  • Despite wanting a job and being able to work, only 5% of working age adults with a learning disability known to the social care system are in employment. 
  • 88% of people surveyed recently said that their loved one with a learning disability is often or always sad. 

I commit to change this by: 

  • Nominating a system champion for learning disability and autism with responsibility across, and a sound understanding of, both health and social care. 
  • Working with primary, secondary, acute and community care and mental health providers to put reasonable adjustments in place so services are safe and accessible. 
  • Ensuring that our system provides joined up and co-ordinated care for people with a learning disability with complex health and support needs.  
  • Analysing our LeDeR data and producing an action plan to reduce the number of avoidable deaths of people with a learning disability. 
  • Supporting the timely roll out the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training. 
  • Building robust community support and reducing the number of people with a learning disability being detained indefinitely in mental health hospitals. 
  • Working with councils and the voluntary sector to make sure there are services to reduce loneliness and boost the confidence of people with a learning disability. 
  • Involving people with a learning disability and their families in meaningful engagement, co-producing services as standard.