Let's celebrate!

Learning Disability Week (19-25 June) is a time to celebrate the achievements of people with learning disabilities (PWLD) and to challenge the misconceptions that often surround them.

This year, the focus is on busting myths about life with a learning disability , highlighting the incredible things people achieve and emphasising that individuals are so much more than their learning disability.

A myth is an idea about something that is not true. Busting a myth means showing why an idea about something is not true.

Making Some Noise

We want you to make some noise about issues that matter to you. This is an opportunity to tackle misconceptions people might have and showcase the achievements you’ve made. It's about demonstrating that a learning disability doesn't define a person or limit their potential.

A woman using a loudspeaker

A Week of Activities

The week is packed with activities, each day focusing on a different theme:

19th June - Campaigns:

Do you want to become an everyday activist ? We will show how people with a learning disability have campaigned and raised awareness for issues they want to change.

20th June - Sport:

We want to highlight the sporting achievements of people with a learning disability, including our Myth Busters Jessica-Jane and Michael. We will celebrate those who have fundraised for us as part of the London Marathon and also promote inclusivity within the sporting community .

21st June - Work & Supported Internships :

We want to share stories of people with a learning disability who we have supported to successfully navigate the world of work with the help of supported internships.

22nd June - Intersectionality:

We will explore the intersection of learning disability with race, gender , sexuality , and relationships , highlighting the diverse experiences within the learning disability community.

23rd June – Learning Disability Explained:

We want to discuss the importance of accurate and inclusive representation in the media, and educate people on the language they use when talking about those with a learning disability.

24th June – Community and volunteering:

Do you volunteer for Mencap? We want to celebrate those who have supported our work in the community. We would also like to see the difference people have made in your community so please share your stories with us and celebrate those who make a difference.

25th June - Celebration:

We will be showcasing the achievements of people with learning disabilities by sharing your pictures and stories on our social media channels.

Learning Disability Week is a time for celebration, education, and advocacy.

By busting myths and highlighting achievements, we can help create a more inclusive and understanding society for people with a learning disability.

Two children jumping into the sky