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We now have specialist Cost of Living advisers

Our specialist Cost of Living advisers are available to assist with issues such as benefits, budgeting, and energy advice.

Email, or phone the Helpline on 0808 808 1111, to arrange an appointment or to ask for more information.

Who will get cost of living payments?

Some people will get cost of living payments from the government . These payments will help with things like food, energy at home and fuel.

You will receive these payments if you receive some benefits or tax credits. You do not need to apply, the money will be paid to you automatically.

You won’t pay tax on these payments. They should not affect your benefits.


A timetable to show that the first payment of £301 for the £900 cost of living payment is made in the Spring of 2023, the second payment of £300 is made in the autumn of 2023 and the third payment in the Spring of 2024. The graph also shows that the £300 Pensioner cost of living payment will be made in the Winter of 2023 and the £150 Disability cost of living payment will be made in the summer of 2023

If you do not receive a means tested benefit

If you do not receive a means tested benefit, but do receive tax credits, you may also receive a payment.

Ask the Mencap Helpline for more information.




Extra cost of living payments

The government announced that they would make pay more cost of living payments to people who receive certain types of benefits in 2023 and 2024. 

What does this mean? 

  • People who received certain types of means tested benefits received up to £900. This was made in more than one payment. The last 2023/24 cost of living payment (£299) will be paid automatically between 6th and 22nd February 2024.
  • People who receive certain types of benefits to cover the extra cost of disability received £150 between 20 June 2023 and 4 July 2023.  
A calculator, pencil, receipt and note pad
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