As a national charity we’re flexible in our approach to corporate partnerships, and can offer one, a few, or even all of the following types of partnership.

If you would like to talk to us about any of the types of partnership opportunities we offer, email the Mencap Corporate team on:

Cause Related Marketing

Through cause related marketing campaigns we not only improve the lives of people with a learning disability, but we also provide your business with the opportunity to:

  • Increase sales
  • Engage new customers and touch base with existing customers
  • Gain positive association with one of the UK’s most trusted charity brands
  • Strengthen brand awareness and create positive PR opportunities
  • Make a huge difference to people with a learning disability nationally

Financial donations

A corporate donation can be a powerful social investment tool. We'll work with you to maximise the benefits it brings to your company, as well as to people with a learning disability.

Gifts in kind

Your company can support people with a learning disability by donating products, meeting room space and pro bono support. Just contact us to find out more. 

Charity of the year opportunities

Whether you’re fundraising as a small team or as an entire organisation , why not pull out all the stops to raise money for Mencap at work and nominate us to be your company’s charity of the year.

We create fantastic packages to support your company’s corporate social responsibility programme that engage with your employees. We have a proven track record and expertise in working with large and small companies and can provide:

  • Opportunities to showcase your company’s commitment to your clients and prospective clients that you are improving the lives of people with a learning disability
  • Support from an award-winning Account Management team
  • Boost staff moral
  • Positive PR opportunities
  • Engage your staff in team building opportunities

Strategic partnerships

By linking Mencap’s mission to improve the lives of people with a learning disability with your organisation’s own long term strategic objectives, we can help you to achieve your CSR aims. The benefits include:

  • Support from an award-winning account management team
  • Opportunities to showcase your company’s commitment to your clients and prospective clients that you are improving the lives of people with a learning disability
  • Positive PR opportunities
  • Exposure opportunities through Mencap’s far-reaching social media channels


By becoming a sponsor we can help you generate positive brand awareness. One way to do this is by sponsoring one of our projects supporting people with a learning disability. This is a great way of connecting with target audiences and demonstrating good corporate citizenship.

Team events

Whether your employees are looking to make a big splash in an open water swim, or duck and dive to take part in our annual Dodgeball championship, we have team fundraising activities to suit everyone.

Find out more about Mencap's events.

Want to talk to us about Corporate Partnership opportunities? 

If you'd like to talk to us about corporate partnership opportunities with Mencap, you can email:

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