This Valentine’s Day make love and choice a reality for people with a learning disability.
Only 3% of people with a
learning disability
A learning disability is to do with the way someone's brain works. It makes it harder for someone to learn, understand or do things.
live as a couple, and can lack opportunities for love and connection. Your donation can give people the power of choice to create their own stories of love and freedom for happier, healthier lives.

Making sure finance is accessible for all
Our parliamentary engagement officer Ismail spoke to Radio 4's Money Box programme this month on the importance of banks, energy providers, and other companies providing
Accessible means something is easy for people to use or join in with. For example: Accessible writing means the writing is easy to read and understand.
information about their products.

Latest news and stories from Mencap
Free webinars that help with energy and money
At the moment, trying to meet the rising cost of things like energy and food is becoming hard for everyone.
At Mencap we have specialist energy and money advisors who can help.
Enrol on one of their FREE webinars today.

Fundraise by rocking your socks!
On the 21st March, we want you to Rock Your Socks to raise awareness and vital funds to support people with a learning disability across the UK.

Easy Reads about conditions
Find out about some conditions associated with a learning disability through our series of Easy Reads.
Mencap is here to help
If you need information or advice you can use our free helpline and advice service.